The Point of Singularity

12 min readSep 30, 2021

I am god. And I don’t know how to begin to describe everything that’s happened that made me realize it. The universe collapsed on me recently, and I became the point of singularity at one point.

It seems like I’m not the only one who knows that I’m god, too. There have been hints and clues that others know I’m god. But one thing that puzzles me is that they knew even before I did. Was there a prophecy or something like that? Did others feel what I did and go through similar experiences?

At one point, I felt like all the dimensions and parallel universes became one. They collapsed in on me. I’m fairly certain I traversed parallel universes. This all happened mostly between April and May of 2021.

Something to note: I hung out with a man named Khalid one evening one of those months. I went to visit him the next morning… I knocked on his motel room door and his wife opened it. I asked for Khalid, and she pointed towards a man who was not Khalid. He was big like Khalid, and sort of portly, but he was not the same Khalid that I’d hung out with the night before. What was interesting, though, was the slight smirk on the woman’s face who was supposed to be Khalid’s wife. As if someone had intentionally switched out Khalid while trying to make it seem like this is just Khalid from a parallel universe. America… playing tricks on me.

They did this often during those couple of months. And whoever is “in charge” would obviously deny it — this sorta thing, the whole ‘god is real and he lives amongst us and that too in America’ is probably way high up the clearance ladder. This is, like, upper echelons of the rich and powerful people on the planet kind of big. And I have no doubt that ink would be smudged and people paid off/under threat of a gun so as not to admit the truth to anyone… especially me.

Either way, I even in the comfort of my own home, I felt like I traversed parallel universes. I felt time stop at one point, and I met our maker. I also saw/felt the all-seeing eye.

This all may sound absolutely crazy and like I’m just another religious fanatic spouting nonsense garbage, but at the same time I’m the most logical person I know. I believe in the scientific method. I used to be hardcore atheist until a few months ago. Until I realized the Big Bang Theory and god are really just the same thing.

On April 21, 2021, I had a spiritual experience which is hard to describe with words. At one point, I started to convulse and uncontrollably say something- it sounded like the word “how” followed by the word “what”. Over and over again, for like a minute, maybe two. It happened moments after I “fixed” myself. By that, I mean I was stretching a certain way on purpose to undo an alignment issue in my body. I ended up needing to breathe all of the air out of my body and putting myself in momentary pain in order to do so. The end of that state was when I felt light pouring through me. My eyes were closed throughout, mind you. But even with my eyes closed, I “saw” blinding light which was the opposite of the blackish-ness I usually “see” when I close my eyes. When I came out of that state, I felt refreshed. Soon after is when I had the “how” and “what” convulsions — moments when I was not in control of my own body.

Feeling refreshed at that point in time in my life should win me a medal of some sort or the other. I felt like I had gone through hell the past few months to a year. And not just the expression “hell”… actual hell. I took in so much fucking pain for a year or so that I can’t believe I’m still alive. It was pain of all kinds, too. Every medium, from physical to straight up psychotic mental torture. Yes, I felt like I was purposely tortured for months on end.

It’ll all sound like bullshit to anyone reading this. Hell, I would’ve felt the same a year ago. “Pick a crazy lane”, said my friend to me when I told him I feel like I’m Jesus returned from the dead and that the CIA bio-hacked me and can see out of my eyes. Yet… man, I KNOW it sounds crazy. How could any of that be true, right? I’m just being paranoid, right? Hah.

Another weird thing is that there seem to be two sides to this whole equation, where one side is actively promoting me being god and putting out fake news of miracles happening in the area and whatnot. At one particular stay at a motel a few months ago, the other motel-goers seemed to be hinting at me that I’m god. And the other side doesn’t seem to want it to be known, or acknowledge the fact that I’m god. That might be the whole USA/FBI vs CIA thing. Oh, that’s right — I’m pretty sure the FBI and CIA are on opposite sides of me… pitted against each other, in a way. The FBI represents the “good” side, and I think they represent America as a whole? The CIA, “bad”. My parents are caught up on one side or the other too. My dad is USA/FBI, while my mom CIA. Good (light/dirty) vs bad (dark/clean). Not god vs god. In fact, just about all of humanity is split down two halves on either side of me.

I can’t just write the above without first explaining the rest of 2020 and beginning of ‘21. Ultimately speaking though, everything happens for a reason. And this time around — the universe converged on me.

I am the end of one universe and the start of the next. I am the middle point between them and all the dimensions. I am the nothing — the empath — that the universe passed through. I just wish my friends and family would stop lying to me about last year. I wish they would tell me the whole truth about everything. It seems like they’re practically under threat of a gun the way they’ve “are you sure you’re not being paranoid?”-ed me. They practically sing those words to me, and each of them magically uses the same words and says it to me the same way.

Yeah, I’m positive I’m not being paranoid. Trust me… trust in god.

Plus, it’s not like I need them to show up for me in court or anything. While, yes, it seems like a whole country bent over backwards to try and torture me to their fullest extent — it also seems like a losing battle to fight all of America and the highest powers that be, the most sinister folk out there included. And trust me, sinister they are. Loveless, insecure bastards. Hellbent on fucking with one little person.

My life was researched to a degree that’s unimaginable. I think at one point, even the sewage drainage of our house was being tested. And either somebody bought out the electric company or has contacts in high enough places that wherever I went for a short while, motel or even when I was home, the lights were being fucked with on purpose. They would switch on and off, sometimes in perfect sync with what I was writing on my phone.

Even the way my Uber app seemed to magically double and triple the prices just when I started looking for rides on it is just another piece of the equation of the universe converging on me. Yes — I think someone literally got an Uber employee to fuck with my Uber prices and car availability on purpose. Paranoid? Lol. Think what you want, but the list is endless. It kinda sucks that someone out there knows the answers yet made me go through all this and that too without any respite. It kinda really sucks.

The story of god… that’s what one side is recording through the bio-hacking. Team Paranoid. AKA the CIA. The ones who used me as a martyr for new technology. Picked specifically from a list of diagnosed: paranoid individuals. Add to it the fact that I was living alone and in my thirties, it made their job that much easier. One thing that’s still puzzling me, though, is why they let me know. Through hints and clues, when they never had to. Thanks, I guess? Not sure I even wanted to know, btw. Next time you violate someone, just don’t tell them, ykno?

There’s a body double of me, too. This kid… hey boi pass me the good stuff yo. No, But really. There’s a body double that was made of me. I don’t know who the poor chap is, but I feel for him. He was there at the same jail I spent a night in when I got arrested for having meth on me. I didn’t see him or anything, but there were loud shrieks that came from a couple of cells over which were in perfect sync with the words I spoke when I was talking to my parents on the phone. How do I know it’s a body double? Something just tells me it is. The cops were acting so weird that night, too. Three cars sent over to arrest me, too? And who made the call?? It was the same maid that I saw at a hotel in the past. She had a fat smirk on her face.

Speaking of maids… they play a special role in all this. I don’t know how or why, but it seems like practically all the hotel maids I’ve encountered in the last year have been paid off by Team Paranoid. It’s hard to explain it in words, and I’m still not sure I fully grasp why one side is so hell bent on insisting/trying to make me feel paranoid on purpose.

Is it literally big pharma companies looking out for the doctor who gave me the misdiagnosis, in an all out war against me & a potential court case? God forbid their precious doctor take responsibility for his actions… jdhsjeusjxhejdjxn. They’d rather toy with me and create nonsense signs left right and center. They’d rather hack my phone and send perfectly timed notifications and texts to try and make me feel paranoid on purpose. They’d rather alter the universe around me than admit they fucked up a diagnosis? I mean… were the rockstar and that judge who came to my motel paid off by Team Paranoid? Not the judge… right? His eyes said it all. He looked worried — and seemed to be imploring that I not take this to court for his own safety and livelihood. He was staying on Team Bad/Team Illegal’s side, though. AKA Team Paranoid aka the CIA. The message delivered to me seemed to be “hey, at least we all know your story now. Look, just do whatever the fuck you want now in life — illegal, legal, doesn’t matter, kid. There is no justice for what you’ve been through.”

And the way my mom and friends seem to all be Team Paranoid too… it doesn’t sit well with me. It means they’ve all either been paid off or have guns to their heads, because anything short of that means they’re sick in the head to let what happened to me happen. And then deny me the truth afterwards. Fuck… this whole thing is so sick and convoluted. I can’t believe I had (have) to go through it all. And the way I was Truman Show’d in Sacramento yet there wasn’t a peep or a tweet about it from anyone who lives there…

What in the actual fuck is going on.

The way it seems like the entire world around me, internet and local tv included, has been faked… paranoiddddd. Pfft.

What ever happened to humanity? I learned my lessons about society… I hope Team What The Fuck Ever is learning their lessons about humanity. There are some sick, sick people out there though. To have done what they did to me. The way the entire world around me was bought. What the fuck.

Basically, Team Paranoid knows I’m god. Right? They literally mapped my brain and have eyes on me… in me… and know my whole story. Or, wait… Team, uhh, what’s the other team again? USA? The Feds? The people? My dad or my mom or Jesus fucking Christ it’s hard to keep up with all this. Anyway… one side knows I’m god. Both might, but one for sure. One side is enabling me to be god. One side wants me to be Jesus Christ returned from the dead. Not sure if those are the same sides or not. Anyway, I’m not sure why it matters.

Wanna know what else is sickening? My psyche ward visit(s) and the insistence by, at least the first one’s psychiatrist, that I’m paranoid. Phew lad. The way he magically prescribed me exactly the same medication my original psychiatrist first had… the way he just seemed to know everything about my life. At one point, he fucking cornered me and yelled at me and asked why the gambling… it’s like, hello… I didn’t know we knew each other that well. Perhaps next time start with basic pleasantries, doc.

That whole psyche ward was put on. One big show. The second one too. I know, I know… I sound batshit insane. And yet, I’m damn good at reading people. I know what even the slightest of facial expression changes mean. Paranoiddddd.

How can someone have so much power? By the way, last I checked, the doctor who gave me the misdiagnosis to begin with? Their office doesn’t even have me on their records anymore. As in, according to them, I was never even a patient there. And yet… I mean, look… at a minimum, I have living proof in terms of my parents and friends that I indeed saw the doctor I did. Parents? They were “in touch” with him — got him to break doctor patient confidentiality and everything. Friends? Hacked into my fucking laptop. Watching my private fucking psychiatry and therapy sessions, amongst the litany of other things that was my shit show of a life. And now? They deny it all. They lie to me about it. Man… I’m caught up in the middle of something big. Basically…

I’m god.

In related news, why the emails from my friends wondering who I am? All on the same day, too. As if I should be gone by now. Living not by the same name anymore. I mean… if Team Paranoid wants that, I would love it if they could provide me with a whole new set of credentials and SSN. It certainly seems within their realm of power to do so. And yet, it’s almost like they need me to be an alien… like I just popped up on Earth randomly. Ykno… something like god. Fuck outta here with that bullshit.

My mom is supposed to be a body double or something like that too. Controlled, maybe, in the third dimension by her fourth dimension self. It’s confusing. Either way, she tried to play the part. She purposely messed up her cooking a couple of days so as to throw me off. It worked, for a bit… then I realized this whole thing is a convoluted story spun up by the people who need me to be Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ that, this time, has a dad and no mom. It’s… I don’t know what’s the word for it. But “fun” isn’t it.

Look, I’m all for the god thing, don’t get me wrong. But I’m not paranoid. And I’m confused why the two must go hand in hand. I’m not gay, either, yet there seems to be an insistence by Team Paranoid that I am.

Dear reader, or the future, or who the fuck ever — I wish you could’ve been me the last year or so. With sound included… in case the above is indeed possible yet without sound. And the emphasis on sound being included is so you can know the whole story, and not just have a video-only feed where things like my ex baiting me can easily be misconstrued.

“Hah, was that anger I smelled on your breath?” She said to me, sounding coy as fuck. “Did the crazy web and traps spun up just for you work? Looks like we got him, ladies and gentlemen… our work here is complete. I now label you, sir, as bipolar! Hehehahahoo.”


Sorry, but what? I can’t believe she willingly played that part. She is not who I thought she was, at all. What a bitch. Trying to make me feel insecure on purpose… baiting me in front of an audience I didn’t know I had… what the fuck girl.

The last year or year point five of my life wouldn’t even make a good movie because it would be so unbelievable. Like, no way did a whole country go out of its way to fuck with one little person. And no way did said person become the point of singularity at one point. No way did we just see the story of god…

Also, what’s he gonna do next? How’s he going to get back at America? Can one person be the catalyst for the demise of the greatest superpower the world has ever seen? How’s he going to hide from them? Will he hide from them?

